A brand of authenticity. A brand of connection. A brand of goodness. Greet The Good is about the little stuff we stumble into, IT’S NOT ABOUT ONE BIG THING. IT IS ABOUT THE LITTLE THINGS THAT GET YOU DOWN - THE THINGS THAT ROB YOU OF YOUR HAPPINESS - 

It's about a bad hair day, a sucky relationship, any minor or major challenge, and the next thing that’s in front of you on the to-do list. Greeting The Good is about finding the GOOD in the small situations in order to achieve YOUR DREAM. 

When my mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, I was determined to think of ways every day to help her greet each morning by seeing the GOOD in that day! At the very minimum, I could encourage her with goodness and be the light that I knew she needed.  
When starting GTG I knew I wanted to share my joy with everyone around me by simply changing my negative mindset into a positive perspective of life. 
Let me tell you, i've had PLENTY of opportunities to Greet The Good in situations and I chose NOT to. Why? Maybe because it was easier to complain. Or easier to watch the Kardashians than to face the harsh reality of what my grades looked like. Or easier to cry after not getting asked to a school dance.
 I knew I was in a rut and needed to change what I was doing.

When it finally came down to it, I needed a mindset shift, a new way  of thinking, a slogan I could have engrained in my brain every time the slightest inconvenience appeared in my life. And that's how Greet The Good came about. 

     I'm learning to constantly choose to be my best self, a girl that doesn't have to fake it, but is authentic in her struggles. Someone who is confident enough in the bigger picture. A Good Greeter. 

I want to be your best friend. I want you to make connections and bring opportunities into your life. That's why I started Greet The you can have an item as a small reminder in your daily life to ALWAYS GTG. And honestly all you have to do is to kindly say NO to the bad and YES to the good. 
So join the club because starting today you and I are going to GREET THE FREAKIN GOOD.